

what we do!


Drywall / Sheetrock


Repair + Installation

Eco-friendly Painting

We offer non-VOC painting


Large + Small projects

Kitchen Cabinet / Bookshelves Painting Our trained experience staff can paint your cabinets to look brand new

Acoustic Ceiling Tile Installation We are experienced in insulating, sound proofing

Pressure Washing Pressure washing your deck or siding of your home to make it look like new

Garage Floors Painting

Deck Service Building + Resurfacing

Hardwood Flooring Installation + Refinishing

Property Management Services:
At Molinari Construction, our property management professionals are proud to provide routine drywall, painting, pressure washing, and daily maintenance services to
apartments and condominiums in the Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. areas. Our highly skilled team has the knowledge, experience, and equipment necessary to keep your property looking its absolute best at all times. We work our hardest to produce high quality services to your tenants and your properties

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